Your eyes into what changed and when

Capture, retain and search website pages
with a state-of-the-art solution

Adopt a solution that makes compliance simple

Ensure all changes on your website are captured, archived and searchable
so you are prepared for regulatory or e-discovery events.

Key capabilities

to drive compliant productivity


Automatic archiving

Maintain peace of mind with a solution that automatically captures web pages in their native format (including embedded videos) at your desired capture frequency. As each page is captured, it is time stamped so you can hold the most complete historical record of your website’s content.


Fast, simple onboarding

Easily get your team up and running with Web Archive’s simple UI. Web Archive is a fully hosted solution, so there is no software to install or configure.


Advanced search and self-service exports

Find what you’re looking for the moment you need it with advanced search filters and lightning-fast search results. Filter results by website, date, keywords and many other criteria. Additionally, you can perform free, self-service exports of website data from the platform in both screenshot and source code format.


Interactive dashboard and page-comparison views

Simplify your supervision and e-discovery workflows. With purpose-built review features, you can mark pages as reviewed, flag pages as violations for further review and add notes as you go. Every action taken within the platform is tracked so that a full audit trail can be provided.

review queues graphic

Specialized review workflows

Simplify your supervision and e-discovery efforts. With purpose-built review features, you can mark pages as reviewed, flag pages as violations for further review and add notes as you go. Every action taken within the platform is tracked so that a full audit trail can be provided.


Admin and reporting

Gain insight into your archive with rich reporting features. Maintain compliance with the ability to see every action taken within the platform at any time.


Commitment to security and privacy

Ensure your data is safe with top-tier security features, including a SOC 2 data center that is externally validated, proactive performance and security monitoring and stringent access controls. Single sign-on and multi-factor authentication are both supported.

Other products that may be of interest to you


Discovery TM

Reduce the time and cost of e-discovery.
Proactively collect, preserve, review and export
your electronic communications.


Supervision TM

Reveal and manage risk.
Increase your productivity
with our industry-leading
compliance solution.


connected arcive icon

Capture TM

Capture solutions across 80+
communication channels.


white connected capture globe full

Popular questions

Pricing includes one domain and is bundled by the number of pages being archived. Per-page fees help us charge you a fair price based on the size of your website, so that a firm with a 100 page site is not being charged the same as one with 10,000 pages.
Yes. The source files for photos, videos and other interactive content is captured and archived in the platform to ensure complete records of web pages.
Websites are business records that can be used as evidence in a potential lawsuit. Without proper archiving of web content, organizations are at risk of spoliation charges.
We archive your website daily by default. However, other capture frequencies are available upon request.
Yes. Financial firms and lenders are required to keep accurate records of web content as it is a business record. Web Archive enables you to stay compliant and avoid fines, sanctions, and adverse publicity.
Web Archive has side-by-side comparison features. Users can use a visual side-by-side comparison or an exception side-by-side comparison at the code level that highlights what changed.